Nutrition: Academic and doctor Chris van Tulleken on why ultra-processed products are deceptive food

###Meeting at Sweet Thursday
Chris van Tulleken suggests meeting at his local pizza place, Sweet Thursday, in Hackney, east London, to discuss his mission to improve the national diet. While pizza is often associated with junk food, he argues that proper homemade pizza can be very healthy. At Sweet Thursday, authentic Italian chefs work with fresh sourdough bases in an open kitchen, emphasizing both authenticity and community.

###Research on Ultra-Processed Foods
Van Tulleken’s research focuses on the damage caused by ultra-processed foods (UPFs) to both physical and mental health. His book, Ultra-Processed People, delves into how these foods, engineered by corporations with additives and emulsifiers, disrupt the normal regulation of appetite, leading to overeating and contributing to the obesity epidemic. Through his research, he serves as a guinea pig, demonstrating the effects of consuming these processed foods.

###Pushback and Recommendations
Despite strong pushback against his claims, Van Tulleken stands by his research, offering a rebuttal to criticisms, especially from academics sponsored by multinational food conglomerates. He advocates for outlawing conflicts of interest on scientific and advisory bodies and implementing effective warning labels on food products to counter the detrimental effects of UPFs.

###Path to Evangelism
Van Tulleken’s journey to advocating for improved food regulation began with his experiences witnessing the impact of corporate marketing on child health in central Africa. He highlights the need to limit corporate power in determining what we eat, emphasizing the importance of addressing the commercial determinants of health. His investigations reveal how food multinationals manipulate ingredients to promote increased consumption with decreasing nutritional value.

###Discussion on Supermarket Bread
Recent debates surrounding UPFs have focused on everyday foods like bread. Van Tulleken responds to arguments regarding the health implications of supermarket bread compared to artisanal bread, emphasizing the high salt, sugar, and energy density levels in most supermarket bread. He refutes claims that whole foods are elitist, suggesting that addressing the obesity crisis could be funded by taxing UPFs.

Original Story at – 2024-05-19 11:00:00

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