The Influence of the Next Presidency on Climate Change: Anticipating the Impact

Impact of Biden and Trump on Climate Change


Super Tuesday solidified Biden and Trump for the November ballot. Let’s delve into their contributions to the fight against climate change.

Climate Change Alarming Trends

The red flag of climate change emerged in the late 1980s. 2023 marked record-breaking global temperatures and billion-dollar weather disasters.

Biden’s Climate Initiatives

Upon taking office, Biden implemented groundbreaking climate policies. The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and Inflation Reduction Act allocated significant resources to clean energy and climate mitigation.

The Justice40 Initiative ensures 40% of benefits from clean energy investments benefit disadvantaged communities.

Collaborations with the EPA resulted in grants for schools transitioning to electric vehicles and a goal to eliminate greenhouse gas emissions from transportation by 2050.

Environmental Justice Efforts

Clinton and Obama administrations laid the groundwork for environmental justice policies. Biden established two environmental justice councils and regional grantmakers for funding distribution.

Challenges with Biden’s Policies

Despite progress, Biden’s approval of the Willow Project faced criticism from climate activists.

Trump’s Climate Actions

Trump withdrew from the Paris Climate Agreement in 2017, citing climate change denial. His presidency witnessed numerous environmental policy rollbacks.

Climate Change Denial

Trump’s stance on climate change shifted throughout his presidency, often denying human responsibility. Big oil donations have fueled his campaigns.

Threats of Trump’s Re-election

A potential Trump re-election could jeopardize climate progress, leading to increased carbon emissions and policy reversals.

Impact on Paris Agreement

Trump’s policies could hinder the Paris Agreement’s goal of limiting warming to 1.5º C, but future administrations could reverse the damage.


The next presidential term will shape the nation’s climate impact. Biden’s re-election could see expanded climate initiatives, while Trump’s policies may pose challenges. The fight against climate change continues, regardless of the election outcome.

Read More of this Story at – 2024-03-08 21:09:07

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